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Only 2 hours from Bangkok, then you're free

Our Story

RS Mountain View Resort is a year-round destination in the village of Khao Yai, Nakhon Ratchasima that embraces the vision of Alex Furguson. With a legacy that’s deeply rooted in the Khao Yai community, the resort is cherished for its preservation of Thailand history, heritage, and elegance.


The resort derives its name from the Sanskrit word- Aahana (first rays of the rising sun) because the first rays of the sun fall on the resort and bathe the landscaped property in golden light. The resort touches the forests of Corbett National Park all along its entire length on the north eastern boundary, contiguous to the forests of the National Park.

Here is our little achievements

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Best Boutique Resort

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A source of unforgettable experiences that will capture  your heart

Customer Testimonials

Real reviews from real customers


This is a wonderful place to revisit history. The buildings have all been rebuilt to look like a prairie village. Most buildings are furnished with the actual things that would have been found in them. Pick a cool day if you can, we went on a 100 degree day and heat index was 120.

Lin Tan

This is a wonderful place to revisit history. The buildings have all been rebuilt to look like a prairie village. Most buildings are furnished with the actual things that would have been found in them. Pick a cool day if you can, we went on a 100 degree day and heat index was 120.


This is a wonderful place to revisit history. The buildings have all been rebuilt to look like a prairie village. Most buildings are furnished with the actual things that would have been found in them. Pick a cool day if you can, we went on a 100 degree day and heat index was 120.


9:00 - 18:00 Mon - Fri

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